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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  October 6, 2012 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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>> i'm interested to see if romney can keep up his energy like he did so well here. i'm interested to see if obama comes up to the bar and he does so well when there's an audience. i want to see some of that charisma and warmth. >> always very interesting. thank so you much. appreciate you coming in. >> my pleasure. >> that was at lot of fun. cnn newsroom continues with fredericka. >> don't blink a lot. the viewers will know you're stressed. >> i'll have to look back and evaluate. fascinating stuff. i love that body language chitchat. my body language says hey have a great day. >> mine says bye-bye. >> all right. have a good day. appreciate that. let's begin. with the arrival of a wanted terror suspect, mais in new yor.
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our dan webber takes a look at what the suspects are accused of. >> he's wanted on 11 terrorist charges in the united states including on trying to st. terrorist training camp at this ranch in oregon in 1999. he's accused of masterminding the kidnapping of 16 western tourists in yemen in 1998, including two americans. as well as four other men are being extradited to the u.s.. 2005 them are accused of fundraising for the taliban and rebels in 1999 and the east african bombings that left 265 people dead. >> that was dan webber reporting. senior u.n. correspondent richard roth joining me live from new york. al masri is scheduled to be in
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court today. what's the latest we're hearing about that. >> reporter: supposed to be his first proceeding through the legal system, timing not known yet. this is in downtown manhattan not far from the scene of 9/11, and the defendant has been praise worthy of what occurred on september 11th, 2001, and he's also been accused as dan rivers talked about on those 11 terror related charges in the uk of inciting violence and terrorism. he did not want to come here, neither did the four other men who flew in on two planes at 2:30 in the morning eastern time. they feared conditions in prison here in the united states, his attorneys in the uk said he's not well, he's got very physical and emotional other issues. >> meantime one of the other suspects, the father of that other suspect says that his son is innocent. just take a listen to what he had to tell cnn earlier.
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>> i'm disappointed because i thought we lived in a democratic country and we have got the best legal system in the world. i thought that i would get a fair chance and babar would get a fair trial. i'm very disappointed. >> two possible hearings in one day. there was an earlier hearing. >> reporter: that's right. the son of that man has already pled not guilty in a connecticut court along with another suspect both referred toby dan rivers, they were wanted on terrorism charges, crimes committed through the internet, according to a law enforcement source, both men in the connecticut case appeared in their united kingdom prison jump suits, then they were handcuffed and being led in and standard practice the handcuffs were taken off for the legal proceeding. they will also, of course, face more legal proceedings down the road. >> richard roth in new york, thanks so much. now to some other very
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pressing domestic matters. the new jobs report, it's become a political football with the election just a month away, the labor department says 114,000 jobs were created in september with the unemployment rate coming in at 7.8% now. that's a drop of .3% from august. no spuurprise that in this seas there's different views of the same number. the chairman of economic advisers says friday's employment report provide further evidence that the u.s. economy is continuing to heal from the wounds inflicted by the worst downturn since the great depression. jack welch tweeted this, unbelievable jobs numbers, these chicago guys will do anything, can't debate so change the numbers. and the partisan pushing continues this morning. >> on friday we learned that the unemployment rate is now at its
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lowest level since i took office. >> friday's jobs report shows america still desperately needs jobs. yet the president's central and sole proposal would mean fewer jobs. >> republicans in congress need to stop trying to relaxing fight the battles of the past few years and finally start doing something to actually help the middle class get ahead. >> we can't afford four more years like the last four. falling incomes, rising prices, 23 million americans struggling for work. >> congress needs to step up and pass my plan to create a veterans job corps to help our returning heroes find work as cops, firefighters and park rangers in communities across the country. a few weeks ago republicans in the senate voted that plan down. ask them why someone who fights for this country abroad should fight for a job when they come home. >> understand that the president must campaign, but he also has a job to do. while barack obama enjoys being president, he doesn't seem to
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enjoy the work required of being a great president. >> if we're going to keep this economy moving forward there's no time for political games even in a political season. >> all right. now with one debate behind them president barack obama and mitt romney are gearing up for their next face off later on in the month. the president is laying low at the white house today with no public events scheduled. he spent yesterday rallying supporters in ohio. mr. romney who rallied yesterday in florida is preparing for the next debate. romney will hold a debate victory rally this evening. september proved to be a lucrative month for the president's re-election campaign. democrats raised $181 million. that's at that record. and in the last month of the campaign that cash could prove crucial especially for ad buys in toss up states. thousands of criminal cases are now in jeopardy and some
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people say they may have been wrongfully convicted because of a scandal uncovered in boston. how could it happen?
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boston's legal system faces a potential nightmare. thousands of cases dating back nearly a decade could be gentlemen par di jeopardized by a lab worker that the afternoonered with evidence. >> it was refreshing because i didn't think it was real. >> reporter: it was real until last week, miss johnson was doing about three years in prison on a drug conviction, then she was suddenly set free. >> what is it like to be out of prison? >> freedom. yeah.
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i can breathe. >> reporter: free because of the bizarre alleged actions of this woman, former massachusetts chemist annie dookan. she's accused of tampering with drug evidence that can call into question 34,000 cases going back to 2003. 34,000. at the moment she faces only three charges. however in boston alone the d.a. estimates as many as 500 convicted felons could be set free. >> how big of a mess is this? >> at this point, susan, we don't know. >> reporter: at this lab now closed by the state, dokan allegedly mishandled drugs seized by police for evidence at trial. she estimated the amount of drugs at times by simply looking at them and certified some drugs as cocaine that are now testing negative. she didn't just write down the wrong thing. prosecutors accuse her of
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doctoring evidence to change test results. >> she would take known cocaine from an area that she knew was cocaine and actually add them to the sample to make it cocaine. >> reporter: she's also charged with lying on the witness stand about the credentials on her resume including a masters degree in chemistry she never received. but the question is why? was dookan trying to help police? was she trying to make herself look good? so far it's a mystery. the only thing we know is what's in this court document where investigators say at first dookan denied doing anything wrong. but later she admitted quote, i screwed up big time, i messed up, i messed up bad. it's my fault. in some cases her alleged tampering may have destroyed solid police work. in others it may have wrongfully convicted the innocent. >> this is the most egregious
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situation. >> how could something like this happen? >> i don't have the answer for that. the community has no confidence right now in the justice system because they are being told the scientific evidence which we're supposed to depend on, in the age of 2012 is faulty. >> we tried unsuccessfully for two face to reach kookan's attorney. moms like stephanie cooper is nervous. >> worry for my safety and my son also. >> community organizer michael kozu is worried about what will happen to this boston neighborhood. >> we're concerned about letting people get back out it will go back to what it used to be. >> miss johnson said she was wrongfully convicted of selling crack on the street. she's free for good and plans to challenge her conviction down
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the road. what she cannot get back are the nearly two years she lost with her daughter, born eight weeks before she was sent to prison. >> i lost my child. i lost custody of my child. and i don't know how i'm going to fix that. >> hat do you think of the chemist who is now accused of -- >> she destroyed my life. but i forgive her. but as long as i have my daughter that's all i care about. >> reporter: susan candiotti, cnn, boston. >> susan candiotti will join us in the 3:00 eastern hour for more. this is shaping up to be a historic weekend for nasa. the mars rover curiosity will try something that's never been done on the red planet before. we'll show you some of the latest pictures from mars.
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nasa could make history on mars this weekend. it will order its recover curiosity to scoop up martian dirt by activating its robotic arm. it will analyze the soils makeup. curiosity is looking for minerals using x-ray defraction. this process has never been done on mars before. baseball's national league wild card playoff friday was wild. atlanta lost to the st. louis cardinals and fans littered the field. a call in the eighth inning with one out and runners on first and second, the braves hit a pop up to shallow left field. the ball drops, though. and the players didn't throw out any of the runners. the umpire called the batter out. he not base wos have been loaded.
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the newfoundland fly rule is used to letting players to let a fly ball drop to get two outs. the braves manager protested but was overruled. a 220-pound gym teacher claims he was beaten up by a first grader and now he's suing. we'll get schooled on this case with our legal guys.
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now during chevy truck month, get 0% apr financing for 60 months or trade up to get the 2012 chevy silverado all-star edition with a total value of $8,000. hurry in before they're all gone!
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in massachusetts a convicted rapist wants visitation rights for the child he fathered from the crime. the victim was 14 at the time. now four years later she says she doesn't want her rapist anywhere near her child. let's bring in our legal guys avery friedman and richard herman. gentlemen, two things really standing out in this case. richard, you know, you first. how unusual is it for a convicted rapist to be held to visitation as well as to payment, child support? >> well, fred, in 34 states this happens. 34 states allow this. 16 states say no. the criminal sentencing judge in this particular case directed the case to go to family court and directed him instead
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topography make restitution, to make child support payments. so he says listen if i'm making child support payments, i want to be a father to my child, i want to have a say in education, in upbringing, and as long as i'm paying child support i'm going to do this. now one issue is can a criminal court judge direct a case to family court? that's a big issue here. but having said that it's in family court right now and he's going to get his visitation. absolutely. >> well, avery this kind of an arrangement seems to undermine a whole rape conviction. now we're saying or the court is saying that there's a relationship established between the biological parents of this child even though it came as a result of rape. >> well, there is no relationship. there's no legal relationship. this is often what we see, men trying avoid child support, trying to get away from that responsibility.
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as far as i'm concerned he doesn't get visitation. they can absolutely do that. you want to know something? i think the victim, she was in eighth grade when she was raped by this man should go after him for civil damages, for civil assault, for civil battery and you want to know let's see how it goes like. . the order should be challenged. it's way out of line. typical example of a man trying to get out of responsibility by saying child support, i get to raise the kid. >> since this young lady was 14 at the time, you know, he was 17. so now he would want visitation of the child. why would the court, you know, apie appease that request? >> the thing is he was 17. she was 14. it was statutory rape. they were friends.
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they met in church. they were close. the judge fashioned a remedy here. there are different levels on that sex offender registry, fred. i don't know what level if any level he received probation, he did not go to prison. the prosecutor was looking for three to five years in prison. he got no prison. the judge let him off very easy here and directed him to make child support payments. he's not looking to evade anything he's making child support payments. >> terrible. >> now wanting to maintain a relationship with the visitation. it's definitely odd. okay. all right. let's go on to another case. this is an odd case. this one in new york in queens. it involves a gym teacher who says his ankle was broken, his knee injured after saying a first grader who was all of 50 pounds or so, who apparently assaulted him and now he, the gym teacher right here who is a good 220 pounds and 5'10" says he wants compensation for medical costs of $10,000.
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he wants that from the school district, and these are the two, the gym teacher and the child actually pleading their case. let's listen first. >> he was very strong, he was kicking me. he was using the heel of his feet to kick me in my legs. he spun around, belted me directly in my right knee and i was trying to move back away but i was by the stairs and stuff i heard a big pop to my knee. >> you asked him -- yeah. >> dekick the man? >> he said no mommy. >> did you kick him? >> i don't know. i forgot. >> oh, gosh this is so awkward. richard you first. where do we begin on this one. i'm sure john webster the gym teacher he was in a tough situation. he can't physically, i guess, intervene to stop this little kid because then he may be facing some assault charges. but he says he got injured. >> that's the problem, fred.
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my mother, my sister are teachers. they can't bring glocks to school with them. they are in these environments. some students are insane. if they lay a hand on a student they will get prosecuted and lose their jobs. it's a tough situation to be in. this guy is, he's not 220, he's 240 from that picture there and for him to tell his friends to sit around and say some 6-year-old kid beat me up and bullied me can you imagine that? the key, fred, is that this child had a propensity to act up and fight with administration and other students. the cool knew that and he's saying the school did nothing about that. they allowed the condition to continue and as a result of that he himself got injured. he's not only suing for meds, he's suing for damages. >> avery, the school mr. webster says is complicit so to speak for not having done something to intervene with this kid who has a reputation of being a
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troublemaker. >> well a troublemaker because he needed medication. they now have him on medication. let me tell you something. i don't think this is a bad case. i think it's bad journalism. what i mean by that "new york post" headline 6-year-old beats up 220-pound gym teach. that's misleading. that's septic journalismism. it's workplace injury. it's basically a worker's compensation case. take the kid to the principal's office. kid by the way started monkeying around with the principal and safety officer. the teacher got kicked in the knee. legitimate worker's comp case. it's a good case but bad journalism. >> we'll see you in 15 minutes because we have two more very good case. one involving -- they are all good case. one involving your cell phone and the location, the data collected by investigators. is that right? is that unreasonable search and
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seizure. supreme court and the obama administration are battling over that very issue. we'll see avery and richard back in a few minutes. some young people have to grow up way too soon. at a time when they should be enjoying their childhood they are forced by circumstance phot to care for others. ♪
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and the environment. we're america's natural gas. we're shining a spotlight on the top ten cnn heroes of 2012 as you vote for the one who inspired you the most. this year's honoreree is bringing those out of the shadows. children who are caring for loved ones. connie helps them stay in school and hold on to their childhood. >> here let me help you. >> my mom has been sick for as long as i conscience. we need more methadone. helping her out is a bigger priority than going school because i don't know what i would do if something happened her. i wouldn't be able to live. >> in the united states there are at least 1.3 million
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children caring for someone who is ill, injured or elderly or disabled. they can become isolated. there are physical effects. the stresses and worry. but these children press on silently. people don't know they exist. i am bringing this precious population into the light to transform their lives so that they can stay in school. i offer each child a home visit. >> has it been helpful in >> we look at what we can provide to meet the need. we go into the schools with a peer support group, and we offer out of school activities that give the child a break. >> this is so relaxing. >> so that they know they are not alone. we give them hope for their
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future. >> now i'm getting as and bs and feeling more confident. >> we have a long way to go. there's so many children that really need this help and support. i'll get a chance to speak with connie in our 3:00 eastern hour and she's just one of our top ten honorees. cast your vote on cnn the winner will receive $250,000.
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>> an update on that deadly attack in libya in which the u.s. ambassador and three other americans were killed. two tunisians are being detained in turkey. the men had been on a watch list
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provide by the u.s. to turkish authorities. fbi investigators have not talked to them yet but a u.s. official says they hope to do so soon. the fighting in syria is spilling across the borders. turkish soldiers are returning fire after a shell from syria land near a border village. it's been four days since clashes began between the two countries. peyton walsh joins us from bay of campeche rut. we're hearing shelling was aimed at the opposition groups not at turkey. what's the latest? >> reporter: that's what a local turkish official said. it's not hurting anybody but, again, for the fourth consecutive day prompting the turkish army to shoot back. couldn't be more troubling. two militaries, increasingly
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frought position now, four days in a row this happening. >> were these isolated attacks? is there a fear now this might be a regional or growing into a regional conflict? >> reporter: well, it's not a regional war or conflict at this stage. turkey made you want clear it doesn't want a war. syria was offering an open apology and expressed its deepest condolences and shifted the blame to terrorist groups or rebels operating in the area and firing these particular shells. but this is increasingly looking like it's not in control of the politicians trying to talk their way out of it. we had diplomatic moves. turkey doesn't apartment war and syria offering their condolences but we haven't seen it translate to a calming on the ground. many worry the fog of war the uncertainty may cause to it escalate. >> thank you so much for that update. one down two debates to go in this country. we'll check on what's next for the two men at the top of the presidential ticket.
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. round two for president barack obama and former
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massachusetts governor mitt romney. ten days away now as cnn's political editor paul steinhauser is telling us what the camps are doing to get ready for the next big showdown. >> reporter: with the first presidential debate and september jobs report in the rear view mirror the next big event focus on the running mates. vice president joe biden and congressman paul ryan face off in thursday in their only debate. the show down will be held in danville, kentucky. and both will spend the days leading up to the debate preparing. president obama out on the campaign trail is showing energy he didn't show at the first presidential debate in denver. >> my opponent is doing a little tap dance. at the debate the other night trying to wiggle out of stuff he's been saying for a year. doing like, it was like a "dancing with the stars". or maybe it was "extreme
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makeover." debate edition. >> reporter: expect to see a more aggressive debater when they face off again. for romney the debate offered a chance to question the president's priorities. >> thought it was a good chance for us to ask each other questions. i asked the president some of the questions i know people across america have wanted to ask him. i asked him, for instance, why with 23 million americans that were looking for work and want ad president that would focus on getting the economy going he in stead spent his first two years fighting for obama care. >> reporter: by the way the moderator of the next presidential debate is our chief political correspondent, state of the union anchor, candy crowley. fred? >> thank you. we look forward to october 16th. you don't want to miss the warm up to the next obama/romney faceoff. it's a much anticipated vice presidential debate. joe biden, paul ryan going at it thursday october 11th. our coverage begins 7:00 p.m.
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eastern time. have you ever taken a personality test to get a job? a woman who took one claims it actually cost her the job. and now she's suing. our legal guys full of personality all the time will be weighing in on this case. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] its lightweight construction makes it nimble... ♪ its road gripping performance makes it a cadillac. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with advanced haldex all-wheel drive. [ engine revving ] it's bringing the future
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(train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities.
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it's not unusual these days employers use personality tests to screen potential employees. in 2007, a hagerstown impaired woman took a 50 question exam while applying for a job. she was turned down for a cashier job and she claims the
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test of the discriminatory. she's suing the company that designed the test. our legal guys are back. avery friedman in cleveland and richard herman in las vegas. what was in this test or not in the test that she is alleging trim discriminates her, avery. >> eeoc which enforces the laws against discrimination has regulations, policies that say there has to be a connection between qualifications and the job. you may remember some time back we covered a case involving a guy that owned a strip club that required the employees to have a college degree. well that didn't make any sense. in the sandy case, what was going on here is the requirement was someone had to listen carefully. you know your mother used to tell you that. the question is you can't require everyone to listen carefully. so if it bears more heavily on
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handicapped disabled people it may very well be against the law. that's where the test is. we don't have a ruling yet but it really will be cutting-edge once we find out the answer to that question. >> interesting. potentially, richard, it macon clued that there has to be different kinds of personality tests based on what applicants might be eligible or looking into employment? >> yeah. fred, i think the sole criteria here will be whether or not this test disadvantages hearing impaired or speech impaired. that's the issue. whether disadvantages this group of people because if i want does not disadvantage them and the person is crying sour grapes because they didn't get the job these tests are going to be permissible, they are allowed to be used. tough economic times right now and employers can use a vast array of criteria to determine which employees they think will be best suited for their jobs and this is one criteria for hem
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to use. it's legitimate. i think this is going to be legitimate and i think this case will get thrown out, fred. >> interesting. we did reach out to both kroger even though sanny is filing this discrimination case against cronos. we reached out to the ones who designed the test. no callback. >> they can't call you back again? what's going on here. >> no comment. >> i always call you back. >> i appreciate that. >> we would call you back. >> we did in all fairness reach out to both and we wanted to hear their comments. let's move on to another case this is in new orleans. the justice department will tell federal judges that warrantless tracking of the location of americans mobile devices is legal. this sounds very familiar and we had another case that kind of put the cell phone tracking devices on the hot seat. so why does the justice department want to be able to track you from your phone,
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richard? >> well, fred, it's a great method to help solve crimes. i mean let's face it, if law enforcement can retrieve data that is supplied by your cell phone and get that information they can track you for a period of time. now they wanted it for 60 days. they said we should be entitled to do this without getting a warrant for 60 days. that's a sufficient period of time to help us. then after that we have to go to court to get a warrant. but the courts and when circuits get split and decisions like this, fred, 28 days was held unconstitutional when a device was put on a car without a warrant so, therefore, they are arguing this can't be constitutional, it's got to be a fourth amendment violence. >> avery, does there have to be probable cause. do you have to be suspect of something. this isn't arbitrarily anybody can be tracked, right? >> that's actually the point. if there's probable cause go get your warrant. i actually think this is the or
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one of the hottest privacy issues right now in contemporary america. the fact is one federal appeals court up in this part of the country, in the midwest ruled 2-1 it doesn't violate a reasonable expectation of privacy, the gps tracking, and the court success asked for the entire court to hear it. other federal courts ruled otherwise. that case was argued this week in front of a federal three judge panel in new orleans. i'm in agreement with richard. this case ultimately is headed to the highest court in america and given what justice scalia who wrote the opinion earlier this year said i think there's a legitimate privacy issue and it's going a battle, a real showdown. >> but as argued, avery in the courts up in your area there they say look you volunteered this information to your phone company therefore you have no reasonable expectation of privacy. >> that's right. >> that was the argument. but it's going d.c.
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we'll see what happens. >> fascinating. an agreement to punctuate. >> we agree. >> it happens sometimes. >> finally happened. >> rarely but it does happen. we like it either way. avery, richard thanks so much. good to see both of you. have a great rest of the weekend. the legal guys are here every saturday to give us their take on the most intrigue legal cases. you don't want to miss it. one of the most beautiful times the year, everyone in agreement on that. fall foliage creating a dazzling display of color. we'll take you on a trip to tantalize the eyes.
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have you been feeling energized from the cooler
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temperatures that come with fall. many places that means leaf season, leaf peeping is here and we tell you how to make the most of it. >> reporter: bursts of red, orange and gold, nature's annual fall show is getting under way. >> fall is a beautiful time to travel, the summer greens are giving way to brilliant colors and incredible foliage so it's a great time to consider a road trip or just an opportunity to get outside and see the beautiful landscape. >> reporter: before you head out go to the chamber of commerce or visitor's bureau website for the place you're planning to explore. >> there are so many ways to take in the beautiful fall foliage. in many destinations you can do a hot air balloon ride. there's also great hiking and biking opportunities. >> reporter: make sure to take in harvest festivals and apple picking. visit to find the best spots. don't wait too long.
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you may miss the best of the season. >> colors start to change as early as late september and go through the end of november. if the trees have changed where you are consider is going to lower elevation or a more southern spot. lots of cool stuff. we have more great ideas 2:00 eastern hour. great places to see those leaves. i don't spend money on gasoline.
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i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪ try this... bayer? this isn't just a headache. trust me, this is new bayer migraine. [ male announcer ] it's the power of aspirin plus more in a triple action formula to relieve your tough migraines. new bayer migraine formula. bp has paid overthe people of bp twenty-threeitment to the gulf. billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america.
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we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. ...and we inspected his brakes for free. -free is good. -free is very good. [ male announcer ] now get 50% off brake pads and shoes at meineke. hospital workers in colorado are being told to get a flu shot by the end of the year or be fired. it requires 60% of health care workers to get the vaccination. some hospitals made it mandatory for everyone. if an employee refuses they could be suspended and fired. some say it violates their rights. >> to me it's against your civil rights.
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i don't want to get the flu shot. and to me it seems like i'm being forced into putting a virus in my body that i object to. >> we need to have a workforce available when the public needs fit they are sick and people choose to work in a hospital. >> if workers have a medical condition that prevents them from getting the shot they have to wear a mask. the unemployment rate fell in september. more people returned to the labor force and hiring was steady. in this week's smart is the new rich meet one guy who took a big risk to make a career change in a brightening job market. here's christine romans. >> reporter: he wanted to switch careers from operations in i.t. to marketing and big data. in a slow jobs market that takes training and risk. >> i decided to go back to business school and i went part time and realized that i needed even more training so i left my
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full time position and gained internship at cbs. and that was a great gateway. so the internship plus the mba, i was able to fortunately land at met life. looking at the data more on the marketing end and helping with making strategic decisions. >> reporter: the switch took time and money, $80,000 in student loans. >> is it worth the investment to retrain in your career, take on all those student loans? >> yes it's thwart investment. >> reporter: the degree alone doesn't open doors. he also worked with a job coach. >> we worked with him on interviewing and networking because let's face it as a career changer his resume speaks to what he did before. in order to get people to think of him in a different way he had to talk to people, tell them his story. >> reporter: not all career switches require an mba or 80 grand in debt. consider community colleges or free online course. >> a career changer can't seem
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like a career changer. people will ask about experience if you're not demonstrating enough expertise or a skill set. you have to show the people who are already in that job, in that industry that i can do this too and it's just a question of getting hired. >> reporter: remember, an employer typically scan as resume for ten seconds or less. >> too many job-seekers will suspend the rest of their search hoping for the perfect resume that want nets noticed. it's irrelevant. what matters is networking and interviewing. you want to get in front much as many people and tell them their story. he talked to people who had those jobs. he didn't know them but reach out. >> 2 1/2 year journey to get the job i wanted but definitely worth it and paying off now. this is my dream job. >> reporter: rom, cnn new york. >> a deadly disease is killing people across the started and it started after patients were injected with these bottles of infected medicines. we'll have the details four. americans believe they should be in charge of their own future.
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and the environment. we're america's natural gas. a look at some of the top stories right new. radical cleric abu hamza al masri is now in new york. he's one of five men extradited from the uk today on terror charges. he is scheduled to be in court today and will be arraigned tuesday. five people are dead as a
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deadly disease sweeps through the country. the centers for disease control and prevention say it's fungal meningitis and 47 people in seven states are now sick. the cdc says they contracted the infection from a contaminated steroid injection. now physicians in 23 states are checking patient records to see how many people received those injections. the israeli air force shot down an unmanned drone over southern israel this morning. they say the craft had entered israeli airspace. really soldiers are searching the area for remains of the drone. it's not yet clear where the drone originated. coming up in the cnn newsroom at 2:00, politics of numbers. how the latest jobs report is being spun by both democrats and republicans. also meet the 1969 james bond, george lazenby. only did one bond movie. oil ask him why he never did another. that's at 3:00 eastern time


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